Watch this Fairfax Station seller discuss how we sold his home ABOVE list price and helped his family find their dream home! Their dream home was not actively listed on the market! Find your hidden gem with the Move With Marion Team
So, you bought a house. First of all, congratulations! The search is over, no more weekends filled with open houses and showings, and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Phew. But your work isn’t quite done yet. Once you buy a house, there are a few things that need to happen before and […]
Taxes are confusing, which is why many people in the U.S. choose to hire an expert to do their taxes for them. After all, there are so many numbers to know, forms to have ready, records of income and expenses, W-4s, 1099s, 380-Ts—we could’ve just made that last one up, and there’s no way of […]